A wood engraving with oblique projection published by Poldo d'Albenas, 1559
In 1596, Thomas Platter from Basle, who had come to study in Montpellier, had no difficulty visiting Nîmes. He had the map published by Poldo d’Albenas en 1559. The wood engraving was re-engraved on copper in Cologne and included in Civitates orbis terrarum in 1572, and was used by François Belleforest as a 'true portrait' of the town in his Cosmographie de tout le monde in 1575. In addition, once he had arrived Platter found guides in the form of compatriots who 'had settled in Nîmes for quite a number of years, including Anne Rulman, teacher of eloquence at the College of Arts and father of the lawyer and antiquarian of the same name.
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